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What Are Crickets?

Crickets look similar to grasshoppers, but are smaller in size, and have antennae that are about the same length as their bodies. Depending on the species, crickets grow to between 1/2 to 1 inch long, and may or may not have wings. Their hind legs are disproportionately larger than their bodies, and allow them to jump. Crickets have cylindrical bodies and round heads, and come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, and tan. They are scavengers and feed on whatever they come across. Outside, they feed on insects and decaying vegetation, fruits, and vegetables.

Are crickets dangerous?

Crickets are nuisance pests, and do not cause health concerns, or damage our homes. Regardless, crickets belong living outside in nature, not in our homes. Inside, the biggest problem associated with crickets is their ability to damage our belongings. As scavengers, crickets can damage a variety of things including the following:

  • Clothing
  • Fabrics
  • Rugs
  • Upholstered furniture
  • Potted plants
  • Flowers in gardens
  • Vegetable crop

Why do I have a cricket problem?

Crickets typically become pests when they decide to move into homes, garages, sheds, or other buildings. They will take advantage of openings into a structure when they are out foraging for food or during periods of extreme weather like droughts or heavy rains. They also sometimes find their way inside on potted plants or other objects that were outside and brought indoors.

Where will I find crickets?

Sometimes you will hear crickets before you see them. Some, but not all, species create chirping sounds by rubbing their wings or hind legs and wings together. Their insistent chirping sound that some crickets create is enough to drive any homeowner crazy.

Outside, crickets live in damp, dark areas, such as under mulch, in woodpiles, under landscaping, and underneath leaf piles. They also live in yards, fields, and caves and cave-like structures. Inside, crickets live around drains, sump pumps, and water pipes. Laundry rooms, bathrooms, basements, and crawl spaces are common places that crickets gather.

How do I get rid of crickets?

Eliminating crickets from your Tennessee property should be left to a professional. At Colonial Pest Control, we have 50 years of combined pest control experience. We know pests and how to eliminate them from properties once and for all!

We guarantee our results and take pride in treating our customers like family. We are a local company dedicated to using only the most efficient, cutting-edge services possible. If you are looking for exceptional pest solutions for your Knoxville area home or business, contact the pest professionals at Colonial Pest Control today!

How can I prevent crickets in the future?

In addition to our professional pest control services, take the time necessary to implement these easy-to-execute prevention tips:

  • Moisture is what crickets find most attractive. Reduce areas of moisture around your home by cutting overgrown shrubs away from the outside of your home. Make sure gutters are directing water away from the outside walls of your house.
  • Leave a barrier between mulch and soil and your foundation.
  • Inside your home, get rid of excess moisture by using air conditioners and dehumidifiers.
  • Repair any leaky pipes, and ventilate crawlspaces.
  • Keep your lawn cut short and move woodpiles away from the outside walls of your house.
  • Cut weeds, shrubs, bushes, and other landscaping plants back away from the exterior of your home.
  • Remove leaf piles, fallen trees, and other debris from your property where crickets can hide.
  • Stop crickets from finding their way into your home by getting rid of as many entry points as possible. Seal cracks in the foundation, install door sweeps, cover vents, and repair torn screens.